The dirty mask is the new bloody shirt. I have wanted to see an article about NoVA, and how the flash points and battles are near same places where the Civil War began. Harpers Ferry (near Loudon) & CRT, Alexandria and the contemplative statue to memorialize the CW by remind us to never let it happen again, which the woke/blm/govt tore down in '20., Fairfax Co mask wars...
Just linked this to a new piece at
The dirty mask is the new bloody shirt. I have wanted to see an article about NoVA, and how the flash points and battles are near same places where the Civil War began. Harpers Ferry (near Loudon) & CRT, Alexandria and the contemplative statue to memorialize the CW by remind us to never let it happen again, which the woke/blm/govt tore down in '20., Fairfax Co mask wars...
Great idea, but who can afford to go to a shooting range anymore?
With hope that everyone works to that end you describe: the destruction of the DemoKKKrats!