Sometimes the simplest stuff is right in front of our eyes. I know one popular substacker who will try to dazzle you with statistical gyrations that would make a gymnast on the beam look arthritic, but in the end, reality talks.
First, take a look at home listings around D.C. Do you think this is normal?
I smell panic. And as these start to sit on the market, you’re going to see a real estate bust in northern Virginia unmatched since the 2008 subprime crisis. But wait! These only reflect people who are semi-sane, and who have gotten the message their their jobs are not going to be there in a year. Wait until all those begging the judges to save them smell the patchuli oil. The above red will look like Jerusalem when the Crusaders killed anything that breathed: it will go from a splotchy measles-like map to one looking more like the Soviet Union—-all red.
In passing this is why I keep saying these idiot judges are NOT doing their lib government employee pals any favors. They are giving them false hope, and by the time they wake up, their home values may drop another 50%.
Then there is this chart indicating web searches for lawyers over the past 12 months in the District of Corruption:
I don’t have a more up-to-date chart, but as of now the search for “lawyers” in the D.C. area is five times higher than anywhere else in the nation. Again, certain people aren’t getting it. True, a majority of those fired by the DOGE team are going to be in the D.C. area—-but the federal government, excepting the military, is spread out everywhere. Wait until those employees realize they are part of the Reduction in Force. Both listings and lawyer searches will accelerate.
Just yesterday a federal judge sided with Elon Musks’s DOGE in allowing it to gain access to government information systems. There are still a couple of cases outstanding—-to my knowledge the transoid case and the website HHS case—-but in the Labor Department, the Treasury Department, and overall, Trump and DOGE have won. DOGE is already in the IRS and Pentagon. Pink slips are going out.
You can see the DemoKKKrat freakout when you read, as I do constantly, the supposedly more “sane” DemoKKKrats, who, once in a while, actually admit some DemoKKKrat policies are wrong. For example, Noah Smith admits the DemoKKKrats can’t govern big cities. Ruy Teixeira and others admit woke is a millstone around their necks. But they can’t ever get past the fundamental stumbling blocks of illegal criminal aliens (who MUST be deported before you can ever again talk “immigration” and “muh diversity” or men competing against women in sports. Even the NCAA offered a limp-wrist compliance with President Trump’s order on this, which is still full of loopholes.
Bottom line: as they flee DC and search for legal representation to either help them with their crimes against America or try to sue their way out of this Titanic DemoKKKRats are as clueless as they were on Nov. 5 about what has just happened.
Larry Schweikart
Rock drummer, Film maker,NYTimes #1 bestselling author
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