“If you think you’re going to vote your way out of this you’re wrong.”
“They’ll just steal it again.”
Folks, I’m about to blow a gasket with these types. Many of these people think they are—-or portray themselves as—-MAGA or “conservatives.” There is nothing whatsoever conservative or MAGA about this worldview. Quite the contrary, if I was a DemoKKKrat I would energetically promote this kind of thinking to suppress MAGA and conservative turnout.
It is simply a wrong worldview in several ways.
First, it is counter-Biblical. The Bible instructs both Jews and Christians to “FEAR NOT.” It was the first thing every angel who ever appeared to anyone said. In 2 Timothy 1:7 Paul wrote “God has not given us the SPIRIT OF FEAR, but of POWER and of love and of a SOUND MIND.” Get it? Fear, or a spirit of timidity, anxiety, whining, defeatism, doomerism is OF THE DEVIL. God didn’t give it to us, so someone else did. Every time you engage in this kind of doomerism you are advancing the agenda of the devil, not just politically but in all areas of life, where you are agreeing with Satan something “can’t be done,” or “they will just rip me off.” None of that is in the Bible. Quite the contrary, we are taught to expect a miracle (as Oral Roberts used to say), and to act as if we already had the outcome we desired.
Time and again the Children of Israel were delivered from seemingly impossible circulmstances, whether it was the Egyptian plague, starvation in the wilderness, armies of giants, Daniel in Persia, the three Israelites in the fire, the Red Sea, the defeat of massive armies by 300 men under Gideon—-they are too numerous to name. And it’s not just in the Old Testament. Mobs tried to kill Jesus on at least two occasions before His time and he walked right through them as though invisible; the Apostles were constantly saved from death by vipers, soldiers, and mobs.
The entire section about the “armor of God” does not refer to defense, but equips believers to ATTACK! To go on offense. None other than the Lord Himself said that the “gates of Hell shall not prevail against you.” Gates are a form of defense, meaning Jesus expected His followers to be on OFFENSE.
It is not backed by history. Yes, “they” managed to steal one election . . . by a mere 44,000 votes even after months of mules stuffing vote-by-mail. 44,000. That’s it. Three states. Around 200,000 and Trump would have won five of the lost states. But here is what you need to remember. Trump was on a trajectory of defeat long before the election. In 2020, he didn’t lead in a single national poll except Dornsife, and there by 1. America’s best pollster, had him losing Wisconsin, Michigan, and Pennsylvania, i.e., the election. In other words, it was going to be tough for Trump to win even without the cheat.
That is absolutely NOT the case today. Trump leads in almost every major poll. Just today, the New York Times came out with another poll that matched Richard Baris’s numbers. Swing state polls show Trump up by solid margins, well outside the “margin of cheat.” No, they can’t just “see what votes they need and make it up,” largely because they won’t have five months of mules to generate early ballots. If the election were held today, President Trump would win between 310 and 320 electoral votes—-but anther 20 are starting to lean.
Anyone paying attention could see that in every single state President Trump has improved between 3 and 19 points over his 2020 numbers. Even in deep blue states like Kollyfornia, where trump lost by 29, he is now just down 13. (No he won’t win Kollyfornia . . . for now . . . but I’m mentioning this becaue of the consistency across all states. Same with New York, where President Trump is now down only 10—-a 13 point improvement over 2020. We’ve seen it in polling in OR, IL, and other blue states. In GA, WI, AZ, MI, PA, NV, Trump is up +3 to +9—-all of these swings of 5-20 points over 2020.
This is important because polling in 2020 helped condition the American public to believe Trump had lost. They aren’t—-and can’t—-do that now. Were they to try anything again, the public outcry would absolutely support overturning the results.
Equally important, there have been some voter integrity measures passed in WI, GA, and AZ—-not as many as we’d like, but some that will make it harder to cheat. Machines are being banned in many places. Voting “drop off” bins have been removed in WI.
Most important, rightly or wrongly the public was dissatisfied with Trump in 2020, largely because of the China Virus (where they amorphously blamed him for) and for the poor economy.
Guess what? That economy is in horrible shape under Biden (the Rutabaga). Look at the “issues” sampling in polls. President Trump is crushing Rutabaga by 15-20 points on inflation and the economy, and by well over 30 on handline the illegal criminal invasion. In 2020, the handlers were able to keep Rutabaga in the basement, largely preventing the public from seeing this pants-filled doddering demented pervert in action. Now, a majority of Americans know he is a mind-numbed ameoba with the mental capacity of a wastebasket. Now, even GenZers think by a large margin President Trump will “shake things up” for good.
All the issues except abortion and “climate change”—-where Rutabaga has a pathetic 1-2 point lead, are moving in Trump’s direction. Expect all those numbers listed above to get worse for Rutabaga. (I won’t go into it again but he also has the “Two DemoKKKrat Civil Wars” to deal with—-and can’t come out a winner with either.)
Finally, doomerism is the position of a coward. In “Return of the King,” one of the little Hobbits—-can’t recall if it’s Pippen or Merri—-is standing with Gandalf looking at the massive orc hordes about to assault Minis Terath. The hobbit says, “We can’t win, can we?” Gandalf says, “No. But sometimes those are the most important battles to fight.” We are going to win, and win huge. I believe the courts are going to weigh in on President Trump’s side too. We are now seeing movement in senate races toward Rs that may well give us a majority in the senate as well.
But EVEN IF IT WAS HOPELESS, going down without a fight is the coward’s way out. The men at the Alamo had no hope—-but their heroism actually defeated Santa Anna’s army by virtue of how many casualties they inflicted going out. At Roarke’s Drift in 1879, a mere 120 Brits defeated a force of more than 4,000 Zulu—-hopeless odds. Again and again, hopeless situations turn to victory because people did not accept the alternative. At Gettysburg, out of ammunition and about to be overrun, Col. Joshua Chamberlain ordered BAYONETS! and charged, sending the Rebels fleeing. On Malta in 1565, fewer than 15,000 Knights Templars defeated over 100,000 of Suleiman’s best troops in a hopeless situation.
Dylan Thomas expressed it this way. “Do not go gentle into that good night. Rage, rage against the dying of the light.” It is our responsibility as humans and as Americans to fight as hard as we can against the forces of evil seeking to envelop us.
The Doomer cult, not the DemoKKKrats or globalists, is our greatest enemy.
Larry Schweikart
Rock drummer, Film maker,NYTimes #1 bestselling author
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